Dirty Talk can really increase pleasure during sex, which is why Sadie Lune and Poppy Cox are ready to discuss their favorite pastime. Sadie and Poppy discuss how dirty talk kept them out of their thoughts and more engaged in the encounter. They also discuss communication during dirty talk and how it does not always go as planned. Sometimes, we must recognize when we have gone too far and decide whether to continue or take a break. This episode does an excellent job of merging the fantasies of dirty chat while avoiding the realities and less pleasurable portions. In addition to including aftercare, dirty talk may lead to some wonderful outcomes.
This episode is for anybody who wants to improve their communication skills and learn a few techniques. Not to mention the sizzling suggestions on dirty talk and the instances that will follow. Sadie and Poppy are inspired by some literotica, which improves Poppy's experience while being domed by Sadie. Watch, listen and learn how to bring dirty talk into your bedroom.

Cast & Crew

Director: Poppy Sanchez

Performers: Poppy CoxSadie Lune
