Julia Schönstädt

Porn director

Hailing from Berlin, Julia Schönstädt is a photographer and director, who earned her Masters at Goldsmiths (University of London). With several scholarships under her belt, she is now based in London, working between Germany and the UK. In her highly stylised work as a portrait photographer and music video director she always seeks out to explore the dynamic between composition and beauty in the worlds she creates. 
Her work for Erika Lust was the first expedition into the adult film world, fusioning her background of music video with erotic cinema. The lack of authentic representation of lesbian love in adult film urged her to contribute for the gay community. When not working commercially, a deep interest in anthropology drives her to travel around the world and engage in many projects of documental character. 
The 16 Bars Project, a prisoner's portrait series that aimed to raise awareness for the penal system, gained her an award by the Guardian.
Years Active
Since 2011
London, UK

Julia Schönstädt movies & porn videos

Erika Lust Original

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