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A Sexual Fantasy

— By lagran73

It’s all about violation of a man’s holy territory… a sacrilege. Something that hurts, that hurts so much that it becomes terribly exciting.
It’s about my wife, 33 and typical mediterranean look, hot in her inattentive cleavage and shy in her smile and glasses. And inattentive is her attitude towards sex, too often negligent to my requests and apparently not bothered by wet fantasies, as I use to be.
And it’s about Eric, our 21 y-old neighbor, Syrian father and Italian mother, and this ethnic mix created a very good looking young man, with short black hair and eyes, and a charming smile with perfect white teeth. The hard work as car mechanic then shaped his thin but muscular body and a tattoo on his neck gives him that wild touch to his look. Milena calls him “my favorite”, clearly having a feeling for him…
The day Eric offers to help repairing my car, as I’m getting late for an important meeting I have to attend, he gives me the chance to challenge my wife, and I invite him to join us for dinner…
We eat, drink wine and chat merrily. As it’s getting late, I offer to take our 5 years old kid to bed downstairs while Milena and Eric go on talking. As I’m lying in the bed, I hear them chatting and I imagine them sitting close to each other on the sofa, starting to look in the eyes, Eric fondling my wife’s breasts and then starting to kiss, undressing her and the making love to her. Disturbed, I get up and walk upstairs. Milena and Eric are sitting apart on the sofa, fully clothed. They are just talking and smiling at me. I apologize I’m a little tired and will go to sleep, but they can just go on chatting if they want to… I go back downstairs to my bed, feeling stupid and even a little disappointed for having doubted my wife, so faithful and almost sexually inhibited... With an ironic smile I turn off the light and fall asleep.
I’m not sure how much time has passed, but I’m awakened by a soft sound… I listen more carefully and it seems to me sighing and moaning coming from the upper floor… I silently walk upstairs and peek from behind the wall…


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