At the Vienna Opera House

A Sexual Fantasy

— By JamesCarrington

I was involved in a major international competition for university students, and there was a student I knew from my home state (a different university) also at the competition in Vienna. The opening ceremony was in a majestic, heritage listed Vienna Opera House, with beautiful architecture and, most importantly, open and partially discrete stair wells in the style of the 1800's.

My friend was dressed in a beautiful, tantalizing red dress (we'll call her Sarah, which is not her real name), and I was dressed in a powerful looking tuxedo. We had previously made love in Australia, and the memory of that night was fresh for both of us. We see each other across the room, and also in the Opera House are leading minds from the United Nations (this is a major event for everyone involved).

During the cocktail drinks that follow the ceremony, I find her in the room and we begin chatting with our friends. She is giving me that particular side ways glance. When we have both finished our drinks, I suggest another. And take her hand and lead her to the front of the Opera House and up into one of the romantic stair wells.

There are no walls between us and the leading members of the United Nations committees. They could come around the corner and see us at any moment. I take her hand and lightly kiss the soft part of her wrist. I firmly hold her on the upper part of her waist, so she can feel my strength. Sarah pushes into me as I hold her firmly. We know from Australia what we both like and that she loves it when a handsome man takes her. I go to kiss her and then slip my thumb onto her lips, teasing her by not kissing her until the last minute. I begin kissing her neck and shoulders. I slip Sarah's dress strap down off her shoulders to kiss it, and give it a firm, but gently, bite. Then I kiss her as she swoons. She grinds her waist into mine and I make a low, basso profundo sound of desire. I slip Sarah's dress strap back up and lead her further up into the stair well for what I have in mind...


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