Trade Fair Infidelity

A Sexual Fantasy

— By Phil

This is a true story. I have a female colleague I get along well with. We are not friends as such and don't socialise outside work but we are always flirty with each other around the office. It just feels safe to be that way with her as we are both happily married.
Every year in November we travel to a trade fair and every year our travel service messes up our booking. Sometimes we end up in really expensive 5-star hotels but this year we were unlucky because they had booked us a double room with a single bed. We tried getting a second room but with the trade fair every hotel within a reasonable travel distance was fully booked so we did have no choice but to share.
At the end of the first day we got back to the hotel late after a working dinner with a potential costumer. Since we were both tired we decided to go to bed straight away, so after taking turns in the bathroom we were nicely tugged up for the night. I had almost nodded off when my colleague said she was feeling cold. I don't know why, if it was because I was sleepy or because of the wine we had for dinner, I just rolled over, snuggled up to her and put my arm around her. We were laid like that for a minute or two and it felt really nice. Then I felt her take my hand from her arm and slowly place it on her breast. She turned her head slowly and looked at me. Without a further word we started kissing, slowing at first but then with more and more urgency. The first time we made love wildly and passionately, the second time was even better, nice, slowly, you could call it lovingly.
So, has changed anything between us? No, back in the office we are the same as we usually are. Does either of us feel guilty because of what happened? A little bit. Are we going to get divorced and get together as a couple? No. Is it going to happen again? Probably not, but we will see what happens next year.


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