Touch Crimes

A Sexual Fantasy

— By SciFiSally

Those goosebumps along the skin, raised from the lightest touch. That's what I missed the most. I was living in Amsterdam, in a world, a time, different than yours. A world where humankind had become so desensitised to each other that they had become touch-phobic. An organised, impersonal, faceless, untouchable society set up to avoid all physical contact as a rule of proper behaviour to the point of making physical interaction illegal.

It was like touch deprivation. No caring, loving, true human touch. What I would do to feel a lover's breath on my neck, lips across the tiny hairs at the nape of my neck. What I wouldn't give to have fingers softly stroke my nipples and tongues tasting my sweat.

And when the moment finally came for skin to skin contact, how hard would I come?

Sally started on this journey towards XC with her first film Skinhearts, a beautiful exploration of touch and touch depravation in a futuristic world. When she applied to work with me, she confessed her own story, and it's become Touch Crimes, part 2 in the series. Watch Skinhearts below!


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