Spaceship Slut

A Sexual Fantasy

— By jayelle

It's the year 2237 and, unsurprisingly, we've ruined earth. Not a shocker. We've been living in space pods for 100 years, relying on technology to take care of all of our needs for us and becoming increasingly isolated from each other and our own needs and instincts. Taking pride in divorcing ourselves from our urges, and with no need for reproduction, sex is no longer commonplace and masturbation has ceased. As apathy mounts, the desire to sustain life and take on responsibilities aboard wanes.

Everyone forgot about me, frozen in a cryogenic chamber, meant to come back at this monumental anniversary to share wisdom and history. Well, almost everyone. As I awaken from my chemically-induced slumber, the captain approaches me with a critical mission: we need to awaken the passengers and make them want to continue living, make their blood pump again.

All of the passengers are instructed to report to the main deck immediately. There are thousands of people surrounding me, laughing at my strange clothing and hairstyle and intrigued by my presence. That's when the captain makes an announcement, "Hello, everyone. We're in danger of becoming extinct. We have a special guest here today to help us learn and important skill that will give you inspiration and morale. Please pay close attention." That's when the Captain grabs me, squeezing my ass cheek and pawing at my breasts.
He finds my mouth and kisses me hard. You can't hear a thing in the whole place. He lifts my dress over my head and begins sucking my nipples and playing with my pussy, turning me around so that everyone can see my every curve and watch my face as he puts his fingers inside me and his mouth on my clit. After I cum, I'm on my back so fast that I don't I know what is happening. I see the cock between his legs and, just as quickly, feel it enter me. "Who's next?" he asks.

Our audience's cheeks become flush and they start to speak in hushed tones. I'm pretty sure I hear a moan. It's an honour to use my body to be of service and fuck this civilization back to life.


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