A Second Chance

A Sexual Fantasy

— By Psevert

I have been happily married for 37 years. Just five months ago my wife told me she no longer wants to have sex with me. She went on to tell me that she never desired it and never once enjoyed having sex with me. It had always been a duty, an undesirable sacrifice she did because she felt she had no choice. We have lived separate since then, myself with a broken heart.

This is when I signed up with X-Confessions. I have enjoyed your videos, but most of them were a little too harsh (loveless) for me. They were full of so-called pleasure, but lacking in love. I had two favorites that I watched numerous times, ‘Hello, pool boy’ and ’Memory files of you’. What I most enjoyed in these films was the patience of passion. There was no rush to the climax, but a wanting to escape time and forever be in this blissful moment of exploring and enjoying all there is in my beloved.

Though we are separated at present, we both love each other very much. My confession is that one day we will reunite. But this time in a union of mutual enjoyment, not where I, the male, is the only one enjoying the physical pleasure of sex. But also her, having the same passion and enjoyment of love as I.

See trailer for Memory Files below


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