Referee Me

A Sexual Fantasy

— By marianamntr

My confession is almost a true story. Part of it actually happened to me, but the other, unfortunately did not.
I was at a cousin's party two months ago, she was turning 36. My whole family was there - my brother, mom, dad, grandma, grandpa, aunt, uncle, distance relatives, and so on. Then, there was also one of my cousin's friends, who I'd never seen before. He was blond, strong, not too tall (later I discovered he was a soccer referee). He wouldn't stop looking at me, and neither did I, at him. I was so turned on. Until, the night came, around 11PM, the lights turned off and we started to sing "Happy Birthday". He looks straight at me, across the room, and mouthed with his gorgeous lips "let's go to the bathroom". I quietly excused myself. The soccer referee followed me, and we instantly locked ourselves in the bathroom. He started to touch me (I was wearing a skirt, which made it easier), I touched him, we were kissing so passionately... But I had to go back. I couldn't stay that long or my family would start notice. What if somebody saw us leaving the bathroom together? I could not take that risk. So he asked me for my number and he never contacted me again. Everyday I fantasize about how the sex would have been. I remember how wet I was, how I wanted to suck his cock, how I wanted his cock inside me, how I wanted him do eat me. I dreamed about it for a month. That is the part that did not happen. I would like to have closure to this story, to see it with my own eyes. Even better, be part of it.


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