I bumped into my lover on holiday

A Sexual Fantasy

— By SecretGirl

In fact, there was another time with my Secret Lover.
I was on holiday with my boyfriend. And I saw him on the street... He didn't know that I was there because we hadn't heard from each other lately.

I let him know I was in the same city as him, and he just give me the name of his hotel and room number.
I could be alone for a while, and went there to his hotel. I was wearing a long dress on my naked skin.
I knocked on the door. The door opened, but no one was standing behind it. I entered. The door closed. A scarf was put over my eyes. I felt warm breath in my neck, near my ears.
"Please, do whatever you want, only make me feel the most incredible pleasure I've ever had," I said...
He undressed me, kissing every inch of my body. My skin was warm, I was trembling, impatient, my sex was so wet and swollen...
And then.... The most incredible sex I'd ever had.


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