Lust @ First Sight

A Sexual Fantasy

— By LoneSailor

We met on a casual dating site. She was married and had just joined the site, I had split up with my ex months ago and was a somewhat disillusioned veteran - no women with spirit to be found. But that all changed when we started to text-chat. After brief introductions, I asked her why she joined. She: 'My husband and I have a really good relationship, but there is virtually no sex anymore. And when there is, it doesn't satisfy me.' I: 'What is it exactly that you're missing?' She: 'I want him to desire me, I want him to take initiative and to bang me - from behind.' Needless to say, her openness intrigued me. Things evolved quickly from there. Before long, we had switched to WhatsApp and were writing erotic fantasies to each other, what we envisioned doing with each other. I would write to her while she was at work, at times turning her on so badly that she would have to leave her desk and head for the ladies' room to quench the fire. Nude pics started arriving in my inbox unasked. After a couple of weeks, our passion had built up to a level where we could no longer resist the urge to meet in real life. She lived about two hours train journey away. I booked a hotel room with a huge leather couch in her home town for the occasion. Discretion was key, so we agreed not to be seen together in public. I arrived early and prepped the room: speakers to play music from our iPhones, white wine, glasses and and a million candles. I finished just in time before she arrived with delicious sushi in tow. She knocked on the hotel room door, I opened, we looked into each other's eyes with palpable excitement, I took her coat and the sushi, and then we fell in each other's arms like we had known each other forever. A toast to an exciting adventure, hot and passionate kisses, hurried undressing, followed by fantastic oral sex, a sushi intermission, and then the hot doggy-style she had been craving for so long. When the time came for her to go, she performed the most erotic reverse striptease while I tried not to let her go. Truly a night to remember...


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