Let's do it, folla'm!

A Sexual Fantasy

— By ada

No entenc com no ho pots veure? Quan ja no ens quedi res, quan el temps s'esgoti, quan ho hàgim perdut tot… folla'm! Quan no sapiguem que fer, quan estiguem acorralats i ens quedin 20 minuts de vida, folla'm! Quan el destí no estigui a les nostres mans, quan ens veiem forçats a separar-nos, quan el món col·lapsi, folla'm. Folla'm com si mai més ho poguéssim tornar a fer. Folla'm un últim cop, no tinguis por quan tot sigui fosc, troba la força i posa dura la teva polla i folla’m!

I don't understand how you can't see it? When there's nothing left, when time runs out, when everything we had is lost... fuck me! When we don't know what to do, when we are cornered with 20 minutes alive remaining, fuck me! When destiny is not in our hands, when we are forced to part our ways, when the world collapses, fuck me. Fuck me as if we would never do it again. Fuck me for the very last time, don't be afraid when everything turns into darkness, find your strength, get your dick hard and fuck me!


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