Learn, struggle, succeed

A Sexual Fantasy

— By ALP

Learning. It makes me horny.

Struggling. It makes me horny.

Succeeding. It makes me horny.

When speaking a foreign language, you are constantly facing the first 3 concepts.

When we speak German, her native language, she is my teacher. Her look is firm and confident. Sometimes, it is caring and a little condescending. She doesn't understand how I can fail at doing something so natural to her. I drink her words, I thank her many times for her corrections. Oh, what a good boy am I.

When we speak French, my native language, suddenly she becomes my student, she seems more fragile, hesitant. But also, I can see her excitation as she manages to form complex sentences. Now, she's listening to my corrections. She seems attentive. But I know that deep inside, she's just horny.

After the last session of our tandem, we came back to our place then. There's no better place to learn German than in your bed.

Theresa. You make me horny.


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