Kinky Workout

A Sexual Fantasy

— By fd59

14th August, 3 pm: the gym is empty.
Just me, my tools and my thoughts.
My steps resound in the warm and moist great room and I believe that their rhythm is in perfect sync with the beats of my heart.
I spread out the exercise mat on the linoleum and fasten the leg holders to their supports. I take off my sweatpants and I take from the bag the tool I'm going to use. I lie down on my back and with my shoulders on the ground and assume the position.
I concentrate my thoughts on what I'm doing and what can help me to do it well and better.
I start the exercise and at the first attempt I realize 31 cm. Not bad but I have to do more: thoughts more and more intense. Second attempt, third attempt and I reach 57 cm.
I think, for this afternoon, I cannot go further.
Tomorrow, in the race, I have to present in perfect form.
I dry my pussy and I place my slip; I wear the tracksuit; I dry the vibrator and put it in the bag; I take apart the leg holders supports and I start with a slower pace and heart in unison toward the exit.
I forgot: tomorrow I will take part in the final of squirting.


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