I (Fucking) Hate You

A Sexual Fantasy

— By writersremorse

I was happily ensconced with my boyfriend for a year and a half when I was contacted by my ex. And not just any ex, THE ex. My high school sweetheart, first love, first everything ex. Turned out that two horrible break ups and five years without contact later, he wanted to “catch up” with me… whatever that meant. We went out for drinks at a local pub and had a shockingly good time, so we resolved that enough time had passed and we could be friends. However, it wasn’t long after that we remembered why we broke up in the first place: we fucking hated each other. One night (of drinking) we got into a particularly heated screaming match, and our intense hatred turned to intense arousal. It got a little hot and heavy, but ultimately nothing ended up happening that night. But that doesn’t mean I don’t occasionally think about it when I’m in bed with my very even-tempered boyfriend…


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