Her Master's Voice

A Sexual Fantasy

— By E.

I was graduating from university when I first heard his voice.
He was hosting a radio program and I casually clicked on a link for streaming I accidentally saw on Facebook, and then I had chills on my back: his voice was the most sensual I had ever heard.
I started listening to him every day, and then I invented some stupid excuse for writing him a private message on Facebook. We started chatting almost every day, first about random stuff, life, books and music, and then it turned into something hotter and sexier.
I used to obsessively think about his voice: just the thought of it turned me on. He populated my dreams when I masturbated, even if I didn't know what he looked like - he didn't have any personal picture on FB. I had fallen in love with a voice.
After several months of daily chat, I decided to take a train and visit him. When he hugged me at the station I started to tremble, and by the time we got home he had spoken enough to make me become totally wet.
He cooked me dinner and we had a bottle of wine, then we ended up on a sofa and I kissed him, caressing his penis as if I had known him for ages. I felt totally at ease. He grabbed me and took me to his bedroom while kissing and biting my lips. We engaged in a sort of sensual fight which ended with him taking me from behind. We had the most incredible, violent yet loving sex I had ever had. After one hour and a half I fell asleep, but we kept on waking up rubbing at each other and making sex multiple times.

Four years have passed, and we are still together, and he's my boyfriend and Master now.


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