I Bet Harley Quinn Likes BDSM

A Sexual Fantasy

— By justaprettygirl

I've always been fascinated by the relationship between Harley Quinn and the Joker. It doesn't make sense that someone who majored in psychology would fall in love with such a sociopath.

So I let my mind wander thinking about it, and even though I've studied a lot of psychology myself, I can't explain why the scene I came up with turned me on so much.

I just imagine the first session her going in knowing fully what to expect. He obviously never answers any questions about his childhood or anything like that directly, but he expresses intriguing insight and opinions about the evils of the world that she can relate to, especially since she's studied the darker sides of humanity so intensely.

I imagine him kidnapping her and her waking up in his messy apartment, dazed and confused but oddly comforted when she sees him standing in the corner watching her. She knows she should be scared, but she's excited and curious. He points out that she isn't scared and she dodges the question, asking why he brought her here. And he just smiles, assuring her she already knows. It's bizarrely arousing to her that for the first time someone can read her better than she can them.

I imagine a lot of BDSM, maybe some shock treatment that most people would find painful but she finds pleasurable and stimulating and they continue with all these kinky activities normally frowned upon, but she's excited to not have to live by the rules anymore and by the end she's sunk into his happy madness with him.


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