A Garden of Lust

A Sexual Fantasy

— By Kat

This beautiful woman invited me over to her house on a warm and humid afternoon to garden with her. It had just rained and the air was thick. She was dressed in next to nothing, on her knees, bent over, planting herbs and small flowers in a bed of soil. Her pristine skin glistened in sweat and her hands were covered in dirt. She wasn't dirty though. She was the kind of woman who always looked clean no matter how dirty she was.

My chest tightened in lust, seeing her happily slipping her fingers through the soil to check its wetness. I'd never been so jealous of the earth until this day. I wanted so badly for her fingers to slip in me and feel my wetness.

Up until now, I'd hidden it so well how much I wanted her. I even told her things to sway prior intimate conversations that she was such a wonderful 'friend', that she was like the 'sister' I'd always wanted.

They were all lies. The truth was I fell in love with her from the first moment I saw her. The moments we shared were but mere seeds. The sprouts, budding a romance hidden from sight. And now, in the midst of her garden, those seeds we planted were vigorously blossoming.

My lust was getting harder to hide but I still fought myself. Even though all I could think of was licking the sweat from her beautiful thighs and burying my face in her soft petals, I still sat by her side planting seedlings.

She turned to me and smiled. "This pot is way too wet. Can you help me drain it?"

I smiled back and held the other end while the excess water leaked beneath us. The scent of her skin engulfed me as a soft breeze passed between us. I weakened a moment and nearly dropped the pot, smelling her sweet skin embedded with earth.

"I don't smell bad do I?" she giggled.

"Not at all," I replied. "Actually, you smell lovely. Like you bathed thoroughly and then went out to garden. I love the scent of your shampoo mixed with earth and flowers. You smell so sexy..."

I didn't realize I rambled on, pouring out my thoughts as she gazed at me. Her eyes squinted passionately as the water kept running through our fingers.

"You know, I heard somewhere that if you like how someone smells, it means you love them."

"It's probably true," I answered bashfully.

"Probably or truly true?" She whispered, leaning closer.

"It's the truest thing ever spoken," I whispered back as my heart raced.

Her eyes softly closed as my lips pressed onto hers. Before long. the leaking pot rolled away and our messy hands gripped each other while we kissed fervently.

I tasted the sweet salt of her mouth. My lips melted into hers as my composure crumbled to her touch. The grains of soil painted our faces like warriors while our bodies intwined like vines on the soft bed of flowers. Her legs spread open and I slipped my tongue deep into her wetness, sucking the nectar from her pussy until it quivered. The rain came down again, watering our love to full bloom as we found heaven in a garden of lust.

Xoxo Kat


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