20 Años

A Sexual Fantasy

— By Betty

Me he casado a la edad de 18 años, en la actualidad tengo 38 años.
3 hijos y una vida sexual normal, talvez, yo y mi esposo que ha sido mi unica pareja hemos experimentado muchas cosas en la recamara.
Talvez mucha gentee critique y me diga que no se nada de eso porque solo he tenido una pareja, mi mejor respuesta ha sido, que no tengo necesidad de buscar nada mas.
Pero tal vez mi esposo si, el siempre ha sido el que toma la iniciatica al hacer el amor, talvez por mis inhibiciones y la manera en que fui criada yo no puedo hacerlo muchas veces.
Pero no es porque no disfrute el sexo al contrario ha sido una parte muy importante en mi vida matrimonial con 3 hijos y las dificultades que conlleva el tal.
Diriamos que mi fantasia seria ser yo la que lo busque al menos por una vez, y para el tambien no porque se queje pero yo se que le encantaria.
Cabe recalcar que el es amor de mi vida lo conoci a los 12 años y siempre ha sido la alegria mas alla de la que se puede ver.

I was married by the age of 18, I'm now 38 years old.
3 children and a normal sex life, my husband and I, whose the only partner I've ever had, have experienced many things in the bedroom.
Maybe a lot of people criticize and tell me that I don't know anything because I've only had one partner, but my best answer has always been that I don't need to look for anything else.
But perhaps my husband does, he's always been the one who takes the initiation when making love, perhaps because of my inhibitions and the way I was raised, I can't make love that much.
But it's not because I don't enjoy sex, on the contrary, it's been a very important part of my married life, with 3 children and the difficulties involved.
You could say that my fantasy would be for me to be the one who looks for it at least one, and not because he complains but because I know he loves it.
It's important for me to emphasize that he is the love of my life, I met him at the age of 12 and it has always been a joy beyond anything you could imagine.


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